TYPOGRAFFIT is a visual communication toy. It organizes the visual information (signs, symbols, graffity...) which will be stored online. Useres can type their text messages and receive graphically related images, up;oad their own images, relate them with text phrases and send to friends, share the images and use other people's images as well.
The result is something like this:
Looks nice!
fodey.com also gives some funny ideas of this kind. It helps create a newspaper clipping, a clipper board, a wizard text, talking flowers, squirrels, cats, and others.
Students will surely love such things and will gladly use them in presenting their homework and projects. Teachers could use these tools to create website and classroom posters, notice boards.
Some examples for classroom board at https://pinterest.com/favinfographics/
The result is something like this:
Looks nice!
fodey.com also gives some funny ideas of this kind. It helps create a newspaper clipping, a clipper board, a wizard text, talking flowers, squirrels, cats, and others.
Students will surely love such things and will gladly use them in presenting their homework and projects. Teachers could use these tools to create website and classroom posters, notice boards.
Some examples for classroom board at https://pinterest.com/favinfographics/