Saturday, November 24, 2012

Videos in Class

The History of English in Ten Minutes offered by The Open University is an entertaining romp through "the History of English" - 1600 years of history in 10 one-minute bites, about the sources of English words and phrases from Shakespear to America and the Internet. There are ten short series and one combined clip containing all the parts. This source could be quite interesting and useful for a certain group of students.

TED-Ed offers video lessons on various subjects supplying each one with a multiple-choice test and the list of additional resources for the topic. offers hundreds of animated explanations, interactive tutorials and instructional videos, some of them could be easily used in class. The categories are Ecology, Health, Money, Opinions and Trends, Software, Sports, Technology, Work, Companies. The videos are free to embed on a web page.

The history of the football Explania